We assemble/purchase products which have no life or about to decease. Here, we practice 3R principles – Reduce/Reuse/Recycle, after secure destruction of data, we repair old devices to reduce manufacturing of new. If it cannot be fixed, we refurbish it to as good as new. We aim for a greener & cleaner world. We call this ‘Circularity’, our dynamic theory.
1. Assessment
Deshwal’s certified technicians evaluate the resale capability of an asset based on the age, functionality, appearance and overall condition. Any system entering our refurbishment facility goes through a strict examination process. It begins with a thorough testing of the device’s current functionality to ensure the unit functions. If the unit does not meet our standards, it is marked as defective and destroyed and recycled up to Global Standards.

2. Data Wipe/ Destructions
Machines that pass the primary examination will continue on to get wiped clean, both inside and out. All data will be wiped by a certified technician and any defect will be repaired. These machines will look and work like new upon purchase and no remains of the old data or information is recoverable.
3. Repair & Remanufacture
Our refurbishment and repair services marks defects, broken or missing components and testing the unit for functionality. Memory or hard drive upgrades can provide cost-effective performance boosts and help further extend the asset lifecycle. The devices are restored to the original equipment manufacturer specifications by our technicians in our stores.